Addict or Anchor?
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Have you acknowledged the entropy yet? Or more importantly, are you aware that you are more than what you thought you were? And even as we watch the great unraveling in the external world, know that you were designed to be so much more. You were designed to live as a multidimensional Divine Human. I’m here to say that it’s possible to recover from that hot mess in the before world, and remember who you actually are.
Over decades now, cosmic interventions have been facilitated by nonhuman intelligence—relations we have lost touch with as we fell into a lesser spectrum of reality. Information about these galactic-level meetings has been twisted and greatly reduced to serve the fear-driven agenda of the already scripted, next season of “It’s an Even Smaller World Now.” In this window of time, each individual has the power to choose. Will it be to stay numb and agree to the next season of the False Grid? Or will you expand your consciousness, remember who you are, and become an anchor for the birth of a New Sun?
The gist of what I learned through contact is that first and foremost, human beings are far greater than they know. Everyone born here is introduced to a variety of “cocktail drugs” and scripts that are designed to suppress the feminine-feeling technologies within us all. However, at this timing, if we muster up the will to restore our natural balanced state, we become too lucid to fall back into the smaller-spectrum patterns of life. We are re-introduced to the natural wholeness-markers that help us remember, and pull us forward into further authentic joy and connection. This is our window of opportunity, to quietly restore the feminine-masculine balance within our consciousness, and to rise above the constant programming that keeps humanity off balance and disconnected from the Universal Source Field.
There is no sugar-coating in these messages. Those who identify more with the False Grid, tend to refuse the choice for expansion. They enjoy the polarized game on some level. Out of the fear of fully embracing the incoming Light, they willingly sign the next-cycle contract of smallness. Pay attention to the markers. The new identities and stories appeal only to the ego and are contained and managed in the “head space.” The Light ignites the heart through somatic transformational events, which, in turn, initiates the restoration and reorientation to the natural state—a.k.a. Divine Human.
On this day, and in my energetic read on “current events,” it seems that many are becoming easy prey, and falling into rhythm with the latest synthetic fakery, settling for something far less than our Creator-Source-given design. This new drug seduces the ego into a seemingly next-level empowered identity – along with equally riveting stories. Political parties have nothing to do with these manipulative techniques. It’s well beyond that. (Know the difference between writer-producers and actors.) These new landscapes of reality are quite literally generated to get your ego “hooked” into the next false-grid cycle. That is, if you are not utilizing your Divine inner authority, power, and ability, to generate and cocreate your own.
No matter which personas are “projected” into power in this cosmic window of time, the new drug is designed to prevent us from consciously waking up to a larger spectrum of possibilities. On the flip side, those who choose expansion into the Great Unknown will initiate and engage in an accelerated process of restoring Truth. The more humans that restore, the more it becomes perceivable to others. It is a reorientation to the embodiment of increasingly higher frequencies. This leads to the phase-shift into the natural, homeostatic, high vibrational landscapes of the New Sun, or, the Natural Grid. (The Sound of Gold Transmissions referred to the reality we previously identified with as the False Grid, though it is very real while you are in it.)
If we are not individually and collectively willing to take the reins and break this spell, we will likely find out in the most uncomfortable ways, that we have been played—again. Stay present in this window time. There is nothing new under the matrix sun. As always, if one chooses the addiction to smallness over universal sovereignty, these irrevocable decisions are made for you… or at least until the next window, which will offer yet another opportunity to remember that we do not need to settle for crumbs of truth. Awakening to Universal Truth, and restoring your natural state, is a transformational, all-or-nothing offer.
The following excerpt came from a transmission in 2017.