EM Works in Tandem with the MotherLight Angels

  • MotherLight Soul Mapping

    In the context of the New Sun frequencies, the MotherLight Angels provide body-mind-soul preparedness and support for the next-level phases of your expanding consciousness. The Angels have worked directly with EM in her life, in her cosmic role as an explorer-translator-demonstrator.

    Our bodies are designed to interface seamlessly with the Universal Field. As we actuate our multi-dimensional technologies, we may navigate into higher frequencies and unlock the MotherLight data embedded in our form. EM was shown that the MotherLight Angels, (et al.) prepared her instrument enough over time, to receive their messages and translate them to you—but only until you begin unlocking your own. This is when we may begin a collective resonance project–TBA.

    EM acts as a human travel guide and interpreter for these ancient-new landscapes in consciousness. This is a conscious journey for those who are ready to engage with More and actively integrate the disembodied, higher vibrational soul aspects of themselves.

    These sessions with the angels may include anything from channeled sound healing meditations, to straightforward pragmatic messages that validate your accomplishments and prepare you for your next steps. All of it supports the unlocking, adaptation, integration, and restoration of your Divine-Human natural state. Our ancient ancestors point to this timing as humanity’s window of opportunity – to fully remember and reconnect with the Source Field. Yes, it’s finally here. Legions of angels are in your midst, and they await your call.

    MLSM Sessions are 90 minutes @ $222

  • Soul Focus Session

    The MotherLight Angels provide a shorter more focused session of support.

    A prerequisite for a MotherLight Soul Mapping session is recommended but not required.

    If you can, please be clear and specific about what you need before the session. EM may start to receive things for you in dreams or mini-visions. Your session may include but is not limited to personal questions about your life and practices, a quick percentage read of the identity still residing on the false vs. natural grid, a healing soul boost or recharge, venting out stuck feelings, dream interpretation, support for critical life decisions, short Mother Hum healing, etc.

    Ask for what you need!

    Note from EM: If I am available when you email, we will do it then. If not, we’ll schedule at first avail slot.

    SF Sessions are offered in
    30-minute blocks @ $55/ea



    —For scheduling any session, please include your best dates and times in your email—

  • Mother Hum Sound Healing

    The MotherLight Angels love to sing to the Mother consciousness embedded in your form. Once the defenders of the wall surrender and lay down their automatic defensive responses, new pathways for healing can open. This is when the healing shifts into a coherent multidimensional call and response that your body is comforted, informed, and enlivened by.

    These liquid light sound healings are designed to directly bypass thoughts and belief systems to dissolve the multigenerational walls of grief, shame, and unprocessed pain. No one is to blame. These walls were originally put in place, or programmed to suppress your “light keys” to the Kingdom. When movement occurs, the body itself begins to “sing” and record the new resonant body-soul markers for harmony, balance, and joy. And this is when the MotherLight within you will have room to rise and reclaim her rightful place in your original design.

    The Mother is your compass in form.
    Allow her to rise and lead.

    MHS Sessions are 45 minutes @ $111