Mind Blown – Experiencer Poem

My mind was blown long ago,

Which made it difficult

To stay in your context

And still appear normal.

Soon your mind will be blown too (I've been shown),

The identity you've so carefully controlled

Will not find footing in Universal.

Make sure you know

Who you are

Beyond what you've been told,

This is the ONE that will explode

And sound with the stars,

This is the ONE that awakens

On the ground and gathers the shards—

The pieces of all who thought

They knew who they were;

The ones who bought 

The story of small

And adapted to the crawl.

When the mind is blown,

Do not fear,

Stand tall and know,

You were not designed to be small,

And you are not alone.

It's time to remember,

And breathe yourself Home

© 2016 EM Meyer

EM Meyer

EM Meyer is a lifetime (evolving) experiencer-channel that has too much to share. But it’s not so much about the world we were all born into. She did her best in that world and it was hard and weird. Sound familiar? EM’s work with the MotherLight Angels is about preparing for and meeting each new phase of embodied transformation. It’s time to adapt to, and restore, our Divine Human state—a.k.a. our natural state, a.k.a. our original design. EM is all about doing this in a clear, joyful, and empowered way. First up, EM wants to help you establish or strengthen your direct conduit to the Angels—your personal, unconditionally loving helpers. No more waiting. It’s go-time.


Cosmic Gold – A Poetic Message