Prophetic Dream for 2025 and Beyond. Parallel Reality Shifting.
Composed from EM’s Dream Journal notes:
All night long, I was actively navigating new realities, fully immersed in how it works. The level of feelings, epiphanies, and validation is too great to translate into language. If things feel super weird to you right now, well, no surprise. I will attempt to summarize all that I was shown.
Imagine this. We move sideways into parallel realities. Where we land has much to do with our level of “know thyself,” embodiment of soul essence, as well as detachment from identity and story from the before world. This is why it’s so important to continue the deeper breathing and Dialogue work, clearing the way for direct communion with Source Field. In many ways, the big moment is like an enormous influx of light while awakening into a fully lucid dream. Suddenly, you’re aware that you are in a super high-frequency reality, and to adapt to it, you must respond with as little fear as possible. Why? Because…
Fear erodes the greater multidimensional connection of our natural design.
This reality is ending. Rather, it is changing to a different kind of program. The recent winners of the middle-management roles are developing new rule sets, overseen by beings who have orchestrated these profitable (for them) programs for immeasurable periods of time. On the other hand, Humans must either adapt to the will of their new “leaders” or use their core sovereign will to transcend this limited spectrum. For a feeling reference, think of the climate refugees whose lands and lives are being destroyed by these global changes. Where will they go? Our ability to harmonize with Self and Source Field is our open pathway into a higher-frequency reality. Many of us are testing out these scenarios in our dream states, whether we recall them or not. Some of us are practicing now in the waking state. Keep praying, dialoging, and listening. Follow through with your inspirations to be of service – even if it doesn’t make sense compared to all you were taught before. If we want to be free – actually – we must be able to respond to the inner guidance of the Source Field of Light – First Father/First Mother – that is fully available to us now. If you are not experiencing moments of this divinely felt-sense connection, know that it is simply residual fear, or resistance to Love, that blocks.
Back to the dream segments: We recognized each other, my “teammates,” and me, as we had a history of helping people who were ready to understand, heal, and activate their dormant power and gifts of service. Just as the 2005-2024 transmissions revealed—all of this will culminate in a liminal space reorientation time. In this all-nighter dream experience, we spoke to each other telepathically as a cohesive team. It was a natural way to communicate, in an instant, and with no delay in understanding. These were vibrationally familiar souls to me – the dedicated badass helpers who continue to show up in these grand-cycle shifts. Some fully embody human form; others manifest as angels, ETs, and more. Very few humans had the eyes and ears to perceive these beings living in their midst.
It has been made clear to me that one cannot function in these higher-frequency reorientation spaces with a mask or previous-world identity. There may be great confusion for some souls entering these reorientation programs, but they will move through it quickly if they are in a place of saying “yes” to the bioenergetic transformational energies that obliterate ego-identity and related attachments. It is very much like what is labeled, “Kundalini” in the before world, but on a bigger scale. It is a death of the old and a renewal of our natural state, or original design.
Those who are staying with the “wheel,” or the next version of the smaller-spectrum cycle will not be aware of these other expansive trajectories. More than likely, it will appear that these other humans simply disappeared or “passed on.”
In these particular lower-frequency bandwidths of reality, there is always evil simultaneously living with Love. In higher-frequency versions of Earth, you may be aware of those who actively work with evil, always doing what they do to interfere with the sovereignty of rising souls, but it does not have to affect those who solidly choose and embody greater degrees of Source Light and Love. In these discordant realms, it is still an ongoing choice to use the will for further expansion. There are no “happily-ever-afters” without engaging our will. In fact, this would be a large red flag, for sure, that could indicate an acceptance of a scripted narrative to distract. In the higher-vibratory realms, there is no persona, projection, theater, or stories – only the practice of present-moment streaming in a harmonic state that continues to grow and expand. We are the ones who co-create these new landscapes—IF we are in harmonic resonance with them. In another dream in 2019, I was specifically shown that the entryway into these new trajectories is revealed by cohering with the vibrational door or gateway. This is what unlocks your way forward. And by the way, it was the dwarf planet Eris that showed me this gateway in another powerful dream.
These all-night segments of teaching/demonstrating dreams are still very much in alignment with the channeled transmissions. I followed the guidance of these messages over the years, and every bit of it is coming true. I just had to grow into trusting it, all by myself, because very few people were interested in hearing about it. Frankly, it scared them.
We are now well past the phase of living out our old-paradigm lives. And having a spiritual practice in place solely to cope with the inevitable pain and suffering resulting from this disconnected state, is over. We are now in the actual shift and have been since the onset of 2020. The messages say we will experience the vibrational equivilent of “meeting our Maker” – whether we remain in form or not.
If you are still very attached to the before version of reality magically resolving in a benevolent way, without being connected to your guiding inner authority, or refusing to acknowledge your higher capacities and chosen service at this time, you may become an experiencer of next-level Earth changes. This may also manifest as illness or accidents. All are designed to snap you out of the spell that you have been under for many generations. If we do not judge these “corrective” events, and instead, take the opportunity to heal and engage, we can still make a higher-frequency move beyond this repetitive wheel. Remember that getting sick or having an accident is not a cosmic value judgment. Any one of us can appear to depart from this reality at any time. And just as our loved ones departed from us in the past, they still live on in other frequency landscapes.
As a brief reminder of the Dialogue, you might state something truthful like this out loud, “I am here and I choose Love. I am feeling afraid and confused with all that is happening. Even though I may have previously ignored the signs and voices of change due to this fear, I am listening now for your inner guidance. I am asking to feel your Divine Love in my form. I am asking that you light up within me and show me the way. Help me navigate into the Truth and the Freedom of who I AM in the most benevolent way.” — Add your own honest voicing(s) here. This is a basic template to begin. Use your will to go direct. Soon there won’t be much in the way of workshops and such to give you these tools. Find them within.
I am not attached to anyone following or listening to what I share. I wasn’t born here to serve the before-world. I’m all about building the new. If you f-e-e-l resonant with what I share, welcome aboard, and feel free to share this with others.